Lumenalta Labs
A space to help developers dive down rabbit holes, explore shared passions and questions, and get ideas out in the world in earlier, less processed states.

The CTO’s Guide to scalable, AI-driven data transformation with Databricks

How building a glucose monitoring app revealed the power of AI decision-making

Tech sector’s ‘emotional intelligence gap’ poses risks to innovation and remote collaboration

Building better code with Cursor AI

How professional services must adapt to the new US political and economic landscape

Tips to improve database performance
(In case you do not even know where to start) — Part 2 (Partitioning)

The impact of AI on private equity portfolio management

Tips to improve database performance
(In case you do not even know where to start)
— Part 1

The twin forces of AI: Fueling a virtuous data cycle

The role of human intuition in AI and design

NFTs: The future of product authentication

Tokenizing real estate: Property investment in DeFi

CCPA cookie consent & US data privacy laws

Overcoming Roku’s limitations with a custom authentication SDK