Same company, with a fresh new look. Clevertech is now Lumenalta. Learn more.

Private equity

Deliver tangible value for investors

Solving high-impact use cases in the private equity industry

Radical engagement means you get to go behind-the-scenes to see how real, tech-led companies operate. Our framework enables the best of your industry experience to inform our deep tech specialty. We show you the way, you show us the way.
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Cost and operational efficiency
Employ machine learning algorithms to automate due diligence, predict market trends, and optimize portfolio performance. Scale operations and make data-driven decisions with greater accuracy and fewer resources.
Risk management and compliance
Implement blockchain and AI technologies to enhance transparency, automate compliance processes, and provide real-time risk assessments across the investment portfolio.
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Portfolio company performance tracking
Develop real-time dashboards and analytics tools that aggregate data from portfolio companies, provide instant visibility into performance metrics, and enable quicker, data-driven decision-making.
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Due diligence automation
Leverage machine learning and natural language processing to automate the analysis of financial statements, contracts, and market reports. Accelerate the due diligence process and reduce human error.
Value creation planning
Use advanced analytics and scenario modeling tools to identify potential areas for operational improvement in portfolio companies and simulate the impact of various strategic initiatives.
Deal sourcing and screening
Implement AI-powered platforms to analyze vast amounts of market data, identify potential investment opportunities, and screen deals more efficiently, and enable firms to discover high-potential targets faster.
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Investor relations and reporting
Develop secure, cloud-based platforms that offer investors real-time access to portfolio performance data, fund metrics, and personalized reports, and improve transparency and communication.

Your competitive edge

Our tailored digital transformation solutions empower you to:

Leave no opportunities on the table

Optimize data management and process and analyze data in real time to make timely decisions.

Exploit AI technologies

Develop accurate predictive models to forecast market trends, evaluate potential investments, enhance risk assessment, improve portfolio performance forecasting, provide early warning signals for potential issues, and optimize exit strategies.

Improve collaboration

Enhance sharing across teams and departments for better deal flow management.

Keep up with regulatory compliance requirements

Implement robust reporting and auditing features and ensure data privacy and security.

Adapt quickly to market changes

Develop flexible systems that can adapt to market shifts and implement agile development practices for faster iterations.

Improve investor relations

Enhance reporting capabilities and enable transparent communication of performance metrics.
Risk managemenet

Reduce risk

Develop sophisticated risk assessment and modeling tools with real-time risk monitoring features.

Explore our services

End-to-end Digital Transformation delivered through a comprehensive suite of technical capabilities.
Interested in learning more about our private equity solutions?